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PVC pencil case

4 year ago
21 0
Product details

Custom waterproof good luck series plastic pencil case on all kinds of show. Our experienced designer could make any detailed

changes according to your request.Same design could be used on all kinds of items, handbags, pencil case,pencil bag,cosmetic

bag etc.and all material could be pass the test of EU standard.

Description:Custom waterproof good luck series plastic pencil case
Size: 22x7.5x3.9cm
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Our PVC Pencil Case has different styles and types. You can choose different styles according to the following keywords:

Pvc Pencil Case,New Pencil Box,Nylon Pencil Bag,Custom Pencil Case.
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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Jilin Y.F. Import & Export Co.,Ltd
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