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product video.mp4

4 year ago
238 0
Product details

  This drop cloth is applied for painting by DIY or professional workers for protecting the floor, furniture, or bushes down the windows outside or the grass below the fence needing to be painted. 
we also produce canvas with ploy back, poly which much lower price, and polyester fabric with PE back drop cloth at different prices to meet our customers' different requirements 
the product is popular at home and abroad which is portable, utility, beautiful and greening environment. It is a necessary product indoors and outdoors. 
It is of antiseptic, dust proof, damp proof, waterproof character, when you white wash the wall, spread it on the furniture or the ground to avoid paint pollution. 
When you are out for a long time, put it on the furniture to be dust proof. 
When you travel, bring it to be rain poof temporarily, rest and have dinner on it. 
Our product is very popular in Europe,America,Australia and Japan. We have supplied to many world famous chain stores, super market, wholesale for over 12 years. With 12 years development, we are always focusing on controlling quality strictly for our end users and make every effort to customer-made according to customer's requirements. Here we sincerely express our desire to establish long-term relationships with your esteem company and we are here ready to serve you. 
Welcome to visit our factory and issue the orders if interested in our products. We guarantee that you can get the most competitive quotation and qualified products. 
Give me a chance; you will get 100% satisfactory. 
Holding the right to self-conduct import and export trade, we are working to meet clients' needs by providing high quality products at reasonable prices, and with excellent service. we welcome interested companies around the world to contact us for future cooperation. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

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