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Cordless Household Professional Barber Trimmer Hot Selling Cordless Electric Hair Trimmer For Men1

2 year ago
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Product details
Cordless Household Professional Barber Trimmer Hot Selling Cordless Electric Hair Trimmer For Men
Cordless Household Professional Barber Trimmer Hot Selling Cordless Electric Hair Trimmer For Men
Cordless Household Professional Barber Trimmer Hot Selling Cordless Electric Hair Trimmer For Men
Cordless Household Professional Barber Trimmer Hot Selling Cordless Electric Hair Trimmer For Men
Founded in 2011, Ningbo Unibono Electrical Co., Ltd, as an innovation-based manufacturer, we design and develop baby hair clippers, professional hair clippers, household hair clippers, pet hair clippers and breast pump from mould designing and developing, product manufacturing and selling. We have various types of hair clippers to meet different requirements, such as waterproof, fast charging, low noise and ect.. Our clippers earn CE, IPX7 certifications, and our breast pumps earn CE,FCC,ROHS certifications. And we have passed ISO 9001:2015 quality management system.
For our production scale, we have three production bases with the area of over 28,000 square meters, 4.0 full automatic production lines, 13 automatic conveyor assembly lines, 20 injection molding machines, one blow molding machine and one quality control laboratory, which ensure production efficiency, product quality and make us an excellent OEM, ODM manufacturer. What's more, the coverage of automatic production will be up to 70% in near 3 years. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Ningbo Unibono Appliance Co.,Ltd
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