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V-belt Pulley Taper Lock Bushing-2012-32

12 month ago
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V-belt Pulley Taper Lock Bushing

Are you looking for Auto Parts ? We have this V-belt Pulley Taper Lock Bushing which is one of our hot sale Shaft Sleeve / Tube Fitting, it is high precision and anti abrasive that you could it for a long time.

V-belt Pulley taper lock bushing is a tried and proven method for fixing a driven device to a shaft. The simple design allows for easy maintenance, it is a simple easy-on, easy-off process.

Pulley Taper Lock Bushings

High Precision Taper Lock Bushing

·         Taper lock bushing for mounting a pulley, sheave, or sprocket on a drive shaft

·         Flush-mounted bushing with a split taper for reduced mounting width and a tight clamp to shafts

·         Keyed to the shaft to prevent the shaft from rotating in the bushing

·         Interchangeable with taper bushings from various manufacturersV Belt Pulley Taper Lock Bushing

More detail information for this V-belt Pulley taper lock bushing as below:

Material: grey iron, ductile iron, steel casting, etc...

Inner bore diameter: 1-20inches

Surface treatment:  black oxide, zinc plating, clean & oiled.

What's more ?If you need more other Automotive Parts & Accessories  that i suggest you could look through our website because we also have  Bearing Housing and high quality  Spindle Assembly which hot sale all over the year.

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Why Choose QFAP?

Shaoxing Qifeng Auto Parts Co Ltd

We have specialized in producing high precision mechanical parts more than 12years, got 8years experience on various kinds of taper lock bushings. Most of our cooperators are large arge mower companies , agricultural equipment companies, vehicle company or their subordinate suppliersBecause of the long term cooperation, we could supply our customers not only the products but also our recommendation on the designs to saving costs. Contact Now

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