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transformer T12

11 month ago
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Product details

A toroidal transformer is a type of transformer that has a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) core. It has several distinctive features:

1. Compact Size: Toroidal transformers are known for their compact size compared to other types of transformers. The toroidal core allows for efficient use of the available space, resulting in a smaller and lighter transformer.

2. Efficiency: The toroidal shape of the core reduces the magnetic flux leakage and provides a more efficient magnetic path. This leads to higher efficiency and lower power losses compared to other transformer designs.

3. Low Noise: The toroidal shape also helps in reducing the electromagnetic interference (EMI) and mechanical vibrations, resulting in quieter operation. This makes toroidal transformers suitable for applications where low noise is essential, such as audio equipment.

4. High Power Density: Due to their compact size and high efficiency, toroidal transformers have a high power density. They can handle high power levels in a smaller physical footprint, making them suitable for applications where space is limited.

5. Better Regulation: The toroidal shape provides a more uniform distribution of the magnetic field, resulting in better voltage regulation and lower output voltage fluctuations.

6. Lower Electromagnetic Radiation: The toroidal core design helps in reducing the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the transformer. This makes toroidal transformers suitable for applications where electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is important.

7. Customizable: Toroidal transformers can be easily customized to meet specific voltage, current, and power requirements. They can be designed with multiple windings to provide different voltage outputs or to accommodate specific applications.

Overall, the advantages of toroidal transformers make them a popular choice in various applications, including audio equipment, medical devices, industrial machinery, and telecommunications equipment.

Toroidal Transformer

Company information:

Guang Er Zhong electronic factory is specializing in the production of transformers, founded in 2005. Existing 13 automatic production lines, The main products are Toroidal transformerPower TransformerLow frequency transformerHigh frequency transformerAudio transformer and Switching power supply.ect, the products are widely used in mobile charger power supply, laptop power supply, electronic, electrical lighting, audio, communications, instrumentation, public broadcasting system,massager products, fitness equipment products and all kinds of household electrical appliances and other fields, can meet the product features and quality requirements of customers.

The company has a strong technical development team, can design a variety of electrical performance, style of product according to customer requirements.

Related Power Transformer Supply Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd
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