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3 year ago
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Product details

Gr9 Ti3Al2.5V Titanium Tube Pipe for bicycle

GR9 is sometimes called half 4-6. The strength of this titanium alloy is 10-50% higher than that of pure titanium, but its formability and weldability are better than GR5.

Standards: ASTM B861, ASTM B862, ASTM B338
Titanium Shapes: titanium round tube/pipe, rectangular tube/pipe, square tube/pipe

Application Fields:
• Bicycle parts
• All types of exhaust pipes
• Titanium welding head
• Transportation pipeline
• Chemicals

Titan Super Bond Co., Ltd. is a professional OEM manufacturer of specializing in the production of Titanium bicycle components such as frames, handlebar, stem, seat post, headsets and so on. Our high-quality products with high performance are being sold to dozens of countries and regions world -wide such as Australia, USA, Europe, and etc. In addition, we also have a group called Laget, which is an ISO9001:2018 certified Chinese metal supplier and manufacturer founded in 2009. We are able to provide customers the best products such as Titanium Tube, Titanium Bar, Titanium Plate, Titanium Block, Titanium Screw, Forging Flange etc.

Titanium Tube Bicycle

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