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Washing machine motor stator production

3 year ago
38 0
Product details

Semi Automatic Washing machine motor YYG-70

Usage: Semi-Automatic Washing machine; Fully Automatic Washing machine; Mixer; Air cooler; Other home appliances need to spin.

Delivery Detail: 30 days after T/T in advance; other payment methods needs to be discuss

Power and torque be according to customer needs, adjust power and torque by changing stator thickness and winding number.



Silicon Steel for Rotor and Stator

Steel for Shaft

Iron or Aluminum Cover

Copper or Aluminum enameled wire

According to customer Design. Available for OEM and ODM.


Product Description

The insulation class E or class F

Work steadily wash motor

High efficiency Wash motor

Low noise motor, less than or equal to 50 dB

Semi Automatic Washing machine motor YYG-70 Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Ningbo Sunlee Electrical Technology Co. , Ltd.
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