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SR-6601 car mp2 player with super large screen

3 year ago
147 0
Product details


Anti-interference FM radio is stable and do not drop frequency
Using digital anti-jamming radio IC module to truly achieve signal amming radio IC module to truly achieve signal amplification,remote
Mountain areas can alsosearch for radio stations,Automatic search and manual fine-tuning mode Automatic memory storage of FM channels

auto mp3 player

auto mp3 player MANUAL

CAR MP3mp3 player for car with usbjvc mp3 playerwireless car bluetooth fm transmittercar mp4 playerExcept the car mp3 player, we manufacture car audio and other car accessaries, such as car MP5 player, car DVD player, car android, car bass tube, Car speakers, Car CD player and so on. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Jiangmen soundrace electronics and technology co.,ltd.
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