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Railing spraying

6 month ago
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Product details

Lawn Community Green Belt Facility PVC Fence Guardrail

    PVC railing is a kind of railing made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) as the main raw material. PVC is a plastic material with excellent weather resistance, corrosion resistance and durability, which is widely used in construction, decoration and furniture and other fields.

PVC railings have the following characteristics:
1.  Strong corrosion resistance: PVC material has good corrosion resistance to acids, alkalis, salts and other chemicals, and is not easy to be corroded and rotted.
2. Lightweight and easy to install: Compared with traditional wrought iron railings, PVC railings are lightweight, easy to handle and install, saving manpower and time costs.
3. Beautiful appearance: PVC railings can be customized according to needs, with a variety of colors and styles to choose from, which can meet the needs of different architectural styles.
4. Simple maintenance: PVC railings do not require frequent maintenance, only need regular cleaning to maintain good appearance and performance.

    Due to the above-mentioned advantages, PVC railings have been widely used in residences, public buildings, garden landscapes and other places.

Air Conditioning Railing  Safety Rail  Stair Railings

Air Conditioning Railing  Safety Rail  Stair Railings

Pvc GuardrailsPvc GuardrailsPvc Fence Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Xuzhou Guifeng Metal Technology Co., Ltd
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