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Airhead Towable Tube Rope

6 month ago
4 0
Product details
  1.   Towable Tube Rope is a product designed specifically for water and ski towing. It is made of high-quality polyethylene material, which has excellent durability and strength. The color and length of this rope can be customized according to customer needs to meet the personalized needs of different users.
  2.   Applicable scenarios include but are not limited to water towing and skiing towing. On the water, the Towable TubeRope can be connected to towing equipment such as boats and speedboats, firmly dragging passengers or taxiing equipment such as drag discs and drag boards onto the water surface, providing an exciting and enjoyable water sports experience.
    On the snow, this rope can be connected to towing equipment such as snow motorcycles and sleds, firmly dragging skiers or skis onto the snow, enjoying excitement and speed.

Towable Tube Rope Usage ScenarioTow Rope DetailsTow Rope Cord Lock And Wiarning Contact Now

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Santai Ideal E-Commerce Co., Ltd
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