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Y-clevis and tongue composite insulator

6 month ago
5 0
Product details

Technical Data 

Rated voltage(KV) Rated mechanical tension load(KN)

Structure height(mm)


Min nominal creepage distance(mm)

1min power frequency wet withstand voltage (kv)  Full wave lightning impulse withstand voltage(peak value)
27 70 350 725 100 200
24 70 455 825 115 190

Materials of Products:

1).Silicon Rubber for sheds/housing.

2).Glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod (ECR type) for core.

3).Hot dip galvanized cast steel for metal fittings.

4).1000hours aging test & Prototype Test & Type Test & Factory Test ( Routine and Sampling Test ).

5).IEC / ANSI / GB standard.

Product Details

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Jilin Nengxing Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd.
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