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3 year ago
32 0
Product details
This Cosmetics Storage Box have some advantages:Large capacity design,reduce the occupied space,solved the mesa problem,reduce the desktop occupied space.Multi-layer design,can place different types of articles,exquisite style, transparent door, easy to open and close, easy to clean material, easy to carry.The makeup storage box can meet your daily use of skin care products storage.Materials we use environmentally friendly and recyclable ABS materials,more cosmetic organizer box styles and colors to choose.
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Our Advantages
1.Price: our price is factory price which is much lower than traders.
2.we can supply all services about plastic project design, making, packing, shipping and after-sale Service Warranty.
3.15 years working experience in plastic line.
4. Technology of acrylic joining is seamless.
5. Giving your excellent after-sales service, and follow up your sales status. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Shenzhen Colorful Cloud Acrylic Products Co., Ltd.
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