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3 year ago
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Product details

PTFE Fabric

PTFE Fabric For Thermal Insulation is a kind of excellent thermal insulation materials. It is typically composed of woven fiberglass fabrics coated with PTFE but only with one side. This thermal insulation fabrics offer outstanding non-stick performance, high temperature, chemical and fire resistance as well as excellent electrical properties,and they have been used in a wide range of thermal insulation applications. A variety of substrates, thickness, weights and surface textures can be produced in a diversity of styles.0.25t Silicone Coated Fiberglass Fabric,0.38t Silicone Coated Fabric,Nonstick Ptfe Coated Fiberglass Fabric,Ptfe Synthetic Filter Media Dust Filter Bag,Ptfe Fiberglass Fabric Cloth


  • Superior non-stick surface, easy to release and clean
  • Low friction coefficient
  • Outstanding temperature resistance: from -73°c to +260°c (-100°F to +550°F)
  • Non-toxic and food compliant
  • Strong resistance to most chemicals
  • Excellent dimensional stability and strong tensile strength due to glass fabrics

  • Non combustible-self extinguishing
  • High electrical insulating power, strong resistance to electric arc
  • Ultra-violet,Infra-red,microwave & radio frequency resistance


  • As protective jacket for thermal insulation to piping, ductwork and equipment
  • As Reusable Thermal and Acoustical Insulation Cover


Standard Width
Thickness (mm)
9036S 1000-1500 0.360
9038S 1000-1500 0.380 550 3500
1000-1500 0.400 580 3500 Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Jiangsu Zobon Conveyor Belt Co.,Limited
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