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Mitsubishi extrusion aluminum hi-fi car amplifier heatsink1

2 year ago
182 0
Product details

We manufacturer custom specific igbt cooling based on drawings in small and large batches.

The end product uses of the igbt cooling heat sink we manufacturer include:led lighting,electronic components,auto amplifier,IGBT heat sink cooling,Inverter.

All endless array of options means you can choose the material(including aluminum or bronze),as well as the finish(including anodizing,plating,electroplate,and powder coating).

A heat sink is a component that increases the heat flow away from a hot device.It accomplishes this task by increasing the device's working surface area and the amount of low-temperature fluid that moves across its enlarged surface area.

Customizing igbt heat sink cooling meet the thermal application requirements.Customizing heat sink helps reduce a heat sink cost,and heat sink helps reduce a heat sink cost,and also can reduce the prototype time dramatically.

If you have a custom igbt heat sink cooling requirement,contact us today to speak to our technical sales specialist.

Igbt Heat Sink

Factory Cnc Machining Extrusion Aluminum Profile Heat Sink5

extrusion heatsink aluminum factory Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Suzhou Remgar Metal Manufacturer Co.,Ltd.
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