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Casual Shoes

2 year ago
20 0
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What are good casual shoes? 

A good pair of casual shoes should have the following features. First, kids casual shoes should have good breathability, which is conducive to the timely discharge of sweat from the feet when walking. Second, shoes should have good skid resistance. Third, shoes should have good shock absorption and elastic soles, but not too soft. Fourth, the front of the shoes should be wider, leaving enough space for the toes to move, and the back feet should have a feeling of wrapping, so as to avoid the shoes not following when walking. Fifth, the heel height of two to three centimeters is the most appropriate, which helps to disperse the pressure on our soles. Therefore, for kids sneakers, the selected materials should be breathable and comfortable, and real leather or microfiber is a good choice. The outsole does not need to be too high, but it should be non slip and elastic. So now you know how to choose fashion kids casual shoes.

Casual Shoes Casual Shoes For Kids

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Shenzhen Baby Happy Industrial Co.,Ltd
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