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2.5ml Cosmetic Lipgloss Tube

3 year ago
134 0
Product details

A 5ml square lip gloss container is a small, compact container designed to hold lip gloss. It typically has a square shape with a screw-on cap or a snap-on lid. The container is made of plastic,it is designed to be portable and easy to carry in a purse or makeup bag. The 5ml capacity is perfect for those who want to carry a small amount of lip gloss with them throughout the day. The container can be decorated with labels, stickers, or other embellishments to make it more personalized.

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                        Genaral Infomation:

                        Dongguan Qingyan Packaging Co., Ltd.  ,started from a moulding factory since 1998,and then turned into design and 

                        produce all kinds of cosmetic packaging. We are professional and experienced  in the productin of cosmetic packaging,and

                        expertized  in the development of plastic moloding.

                        Product Range:

                        We have our own factory located in Dongguan city ,Guangdong Province, which involves all functional departments                                      :injection,spraying,printing,assembling, packing and quality depts.

                       The current public mold products include :Lipgloss Tube,Concealer Tube,Lipstick Tube,Powder Compact,Dispensing 

                       Empty Jar, Eyeshadow Palette, Brow Pencil,Essential Oil Bottle and so on .


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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Dongguan Qingyan Packaging Limited
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