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2 year ago
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Product details

Company Introduction

3Grace, Lishui Trimone Electrical Technology Co., Ltd., is a manufacturer of ground-fault circuit interrupter(GFCI), Switches, Receptacles, Wall plates and electrical accessories since 2001, Shouxin covers an area of 20,000 square meters with more than 200 employees, housing a wide range of equipment capabilities catering to our production requirements, with an investment of RMB 50,000,000. Our annual sales revenue exceeds RMB 160 million.


Trimone always value new products development and technological innovation. We take pride in our continuous functional improvement on our safe lock and reverse miswiring protection function protection function than have acquired Chinese invention Patents and Utility Patents. In 2006, we invented a new version of GFCI with auto-monitoring and end-of-life indication function that complied with UL standard of the US and CUL standard of Canada. In 2015, we upgraded the GFCI with regular self-test function based on latest UL943 standard, which better protect the safety of our users. All our GFCI products are UL and CUL certified (No. E473989) which makes them eligible for United States and Canada markets.


In 2018, we got official United Stated Patent Named Circuit protection Device with automatic fault monitoring and detection function and United Stated Patent Named electrical circuit protection device for leakage current protection with the patent number 9906014 & 9906012. Moreover we got the Chinese Innovation Patent named A KIND OF MONITORING FUNCTION OPERATING FAULT CIRCUIT PROTECTION DEVICE with the patent No.  ZL 2016 1 0339793.9 in Year 2018.


We are located in the Shuige Economic Development Zone, Liandu District, Lishui City Zhejiang, 10KM from Lishui high-speed railway station. If you want to know more about us, welcome to visit us. Contact Now

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Lishui Trimone Electrical Technology Co., Ltd
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