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Ethyl 6.8-dichlorooctanoate 1070-64-0 New laboratory process

4 year ago
180 0
Product details

 CAS NO 41443-60-1 / 1070-64-0 production price

Ethyl 6,8-dichloro caprylate is an intermediate of lipoic acid and lipoamide, α- Lipoic acid is a natural antioxidant with strong antioxidant capacity, and ethyl 6,8-dichloro caprylate is an essential intermediate for the preparation of lipoic acid, so its application is very important.

Name:                           Ethyl 6.8-dichloro Caprylate

Cas No:

41443-60-1; 1070-64-0
MF: C10H18Cl2O2
Brand Name:
Ming ya
Delivery time:
 Within 1-3 days payment
Export Markets:


Company profile:

Mingya trading Private Limited (also known as: Jinan Hongyuan Chemical Co., Ltd., responsible for domestic trade) is a comprehensive trading company specializing in chemical solvents, chemical additives, pharmaceutical intermediates, API and other products. Since its establishment for 13 years, the company has won high recognition from customers at home and abroad with its rigorous, pragmatic and honest management style. We have established long-term and close cooperation with hundreds of customers in more than 10 countries and regions.


The company's advantages in the supply of chemical products such as Methylcyclohexane, Cyclohexane, Cyclohexanone, Chloroethene, DL-Lipoic acid, Ethyl 6,8-dichlorocaprylate, Phenylhydrazine, 2-(4-Bromomethyl)phenylpropionic acid, Aromatic amine Vinylidene chloride, and other raw materials and intermediates make the products of high quality and excellent service.


Why choose us:

1. We have the resources of the manufacturer, the product quality is good, the price is low, and the delivery is timely.

2. We have a mature service team with rich experience in import and export trade.

3. Wide range of customers and strong purchasing ability. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Jinan Hongyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd
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