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peppermint oil124454

2 year ago
28 0
Product details

Product Description





Specific Gravity(20/20°C)

0.888 ~0.908

Refractive index(20°C)

1.4560 ~ 1.4660

Optical Rotation(20°C)

-17~ -24


1 volume is soluble in 4 volumes of 70%(v/v) alcohol forming a clear solution

Acid value(mg.KOH/g)

1.0 Max

Ester Value(ester content)


Ester Value after Acetylation(Equivalent to free menthol content

150(45.0%) min

Total menthol content

50% min

Arsenic content(As)

3ppm Max

Heavy metal(calculated as Pb)

10ppm Max


100% natural pepper mint essential oil

Pepper mint oil is 100% natural guaranteed,slightly yellow clear liquid, having a characteristic odor of mentha avensis. Widely used in food and cosmetic perfumery additive, , ciggarette, and toothpaste industries.



Pepper mint contian large of menthol, its the main content in gum,toothpaste,ice crea and so on. it used widly.

and obtained by plant steal distilled.Pepper mint oil is light grass green or light yellow clear liquid, with cool mint aroma and slightly bitter taste; case of cold freezing, storage falling, color gradient depth, quality gradually thickened.

Good for skin. peppermint oil act on colding skin,it can improve dry and oiled skin.

Good for hair. it can clean dandruff and head louse,specially good for oiled hair.

Relieve stress..

Drive mosquito.

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Shanghai J.Shine Co.,Ltd
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