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TPU injection molding

4 month ago
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Product details

TPU (Thermoplastic polyurethanes) name for Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer rubber. Mainly divided into polyester type and polyether type, its wide hardness range , abrasion resistance, oil resistance, transparency, good elasticity, the daily necessities, sports goods, toys, decorative materials, and other fields is widely used, halogen free flame retardant TPU can instead of soft PVC to meet the requirements of environmental protection in the field of more and more.  


TPU Material Casual Clothing And Sports Equipment

Custom thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) represent a pinnacle in material customization, offering a tailored solution for diverse applications. Particularly noteworthy is TPU's role in the footwear industry, where customized formulations bring innovation and performance to shoe design.

TPU's adaptability in footwear is exemplified by its application in creating high-performance shoe materials. Whether it be in the form of outsoles, midsoles, or other components, custom TPU formulations allow for the optimization of properties such as flexibility, durability, and impact resistance. This adaptability ensures that shoes made with custom TPU cater to the specific needs and preferences of different users, from athletes seeking enhanced performance to individuals prioritizing comfort in everyday wear.

Thermoplastic Polyurethane Resin

Furthermore, the high-temperature resistance inherent in some custom TPU formulations expands the material's utility across various industries. In applications where exposure to elevated temperatures is a concern, custom high-temperature TPUs offer a reliable solution. This versatility makes custom TPU an ideal choice for manufacturing products that must endure demanding thermal conditions.

TPU Applications

The customizability of TPU extends beyond shoes and high-temperature environments to a wide range of product applications. Custom thermoplastic polyurethane product materials can be tailored to meet specific requirements, including hardness, chemical resistance, and color. This adaptability makes custom TPU a sought-after choice in industries where precise material specifications are crucial for product performance.

In summary, the realm of custom thermoplastic polyurethanes brings forth a realm of possibilities, especially in the context of footwear, high-temperature environments, and diverse product applications. As a versatile and customizable material, TPU continues to redefine the boundaries of material science, offering tailored solutions that meet the evolving needs of various industries.

Thermoplastic Polyurethane Product Material

Key features

Transparency is good
Fast molding
Good operability
Good mechanical properties


Company profile:

Xuchuan Chemical was incorporated in February 2007.,as the largest polyurethane resins manufacture for shoe/artificial leather industry in China, it has 5 modern production bases and total production capacity is 920,000MT/Year. The main products are all ranges polyester polyol, polyurethane resin for shoes, water-based and solvent-free polyurethane resins for artificial leather, polyurethane bonding adhesives and polyurethane hot melt adhesives.
It is a state-level hi-tech enterprise that specializes in product R&D, production and sales and offers all-around raw materials and technical solutions to clients.
After 20 years' development, Xuchuan chemical has become the largest polyurethane resins manufacture in shoe/leather industry in China, and also export to more than 50 countries. Contact Now

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Xuchuan Chemical
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