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Laizhou Chenke trading Co., Ltd.

Audited supplier
Laizhou Chenke trading Co., Ltd.
China 2 year
Main Products: Paint Brush, Roller Brush, Putty Knife, Steel Wire Brush, Cleaning Brush, Daily Necessities Brush

Laizhou Chenke trading Co., Ltd.

China 2 year
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Laizhou morning trading co., LTD., founded in 2022, is laizhou city brilliance system brush factory was founded in 2016 with a combination of laizhou city new world industry &trade co., LTD., operating area of more than 1600 square meters, the company has two subsidiaries, respectively, laizhou city Chinese industry and trade co., LTD., founded in 1998 with a new world of laizhou city industry and trade co., LTD. Company headquarters is located in the beautiful shandong yantai, the company specializing in the production of paint brush, roller brush, wire brush, polishing brush, disc brush, cleaning brush, brush brush cleaning brush and other civil and industrial, the company has specialized in the production of a variety of brushes, hardware tools and accessories products such as 20 years of experience, are exported to the United States, Europe and other places, with first-class quality, first-class service, first-class credibility, First-class cost performance, looking forward to cooperating with you!

Company Info

Business Type :
Manufacturer , Trade Company
Product Range :
Brushes,Paint Roller & Parts,Putty Knife
Products/Service :
Paint Brush , Roller Brush, Putty Knife, Steel Wire Brush, Cleaning Brush, Daily Necessities Brush
Total Employees :
> 51~100
Capital (Million USS) :
Year Established :
Certificate :
Company Address :
Yantai, Shandong, China
Website : , Contact Now

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Laizhou Chenke trading Co., Ltd.
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