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Vibropac Machinery Co.,Ltd

Audited supplier
Vibropac Machinery Co.,Ltd
China 4 month
Main Products: Tamping Rammer, Plate Compactor, Floor Saw, diesel engine, Diesel generator set, Hydraulic cylinder

Vibropac Machinery Co.,Ltd

China 4 month
  • Videos
  • About us
Vibropac Machinery Co.,Ltd is a professional large-scale manufacturer and marketing of all types of plate compactor, floor saw,power trowel,vibratory roller,diesel engine,diesel generator for global construction industry.Our company have 16 years experience to exporting equipment to South Amercia,Europe,USA,South Africa and Southeast Asia,more then 55 countries.
We have a strong team from spare parts inspection,welding,milling flat,spraypainting,Assembling ,testing and last packing.This results in effective product quality control.
Reasonable prices, short production time and satisfactory after-sales service is the object of company.
Our company will expand the scale of operation and steady development of corporate economic, sincerely seeking partners, good faith cooperation and seek common development with globalcustomers.

Company Info

Business Type :
Product Range :
Diesel Generators,Professional Lighting,Engineering & Construction Machinery
Products/Service :
Tamping Rammer , Plate Compactor, Floor Saw, diesel engine, Diesel generator set, Hydraulic cylinder
Total Employees :
> <5
Capital (Million USS) :
Year Established :
Certificate :
CE , ISO9001 , CSA
Company Address :
Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
Website : Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Vibropac Machinery Co.,Ltd
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