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Frit-fused Quartz vapor cell

13 month ago
7 0
Product details

Yixing Jinke Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. is a high-tech manufacturer committed to research, development and manufacturing of high-quality spectral consumables. With 50 years of experience in research, development and manufacturing, our main products include: glass and quartz cuvettes, vapor cell,flow cell, lens, reflector, filter, etc.

This is a abnomal shape quartz vapor cell,the size is 25*25*25+8*8*15mm,it's a customized product.The process is fully frit-fused,the feature is high precision,high temperature resistance, strong acid and alkali resistance.Vapor cells are used for atomic clock, atomic gyroscope, aerospace laser frequency stabilization,these are all customized products,we can produce two kinds of materials,quartz and glass.

 Quartz Abnormal Shape Vapor CellQuartz Vapor Cel L With Groove Contact Now

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Yixing Jingke Optical Instruments Co.,Ltd.
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