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3 year ago
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Product details

Digital indication single side direct view electronic scale is a new type of weighing equipment which combines the scale body, sensor and power supply. It can be directly hung on the crane hook to complete loading, unloading and weighing at the same time.

Digital Crane Scale

Model: XZ-GLE
Capacity: 300kg,500kg,1000kg,2000kg,3000kg
Certificate: CE GS
GLE crane scale

Aluminum diecasting alloy housing with strength and pleasant appearance                

Used widely with pear-shaped shackle and large size hook

With built-in buzzer, giving an alert sounds when stably weighing

Light weight design with large size LED display

Adapted with safe and secure single piece load cell

Convenient replace of 3 pieces of AA battery

Infrared control distance 15 meter

Color:Yellow or orange

GLE Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Zhejiang Blue Arrow Weighing Technology Co.,Ltd.
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