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Cast Coated Film-3

10 month ago
17 0
Product details

Product Description

Silicon Dioxide B 122Silicon Dioxide B 123Silicon Dioxide B 121


Dispersed silica dioxide powder is commonly used in coatings to improve various properties such as scratch resistance, 

hardness, and durability. It is an easy-to-use additive that can be easily dispersed in coating formulations.

Here are some key features of dispersed silica dioxide powder for coatings:

1. Easy dispersion: The powder is designed to be easily dispersed in coating formulations, ensuring uniform distribution 

throughout the coating. This allows for consistent performance and improved coating properties.

2. Enhanced scratch resistance: Silica dioxide powder can significantly improve the scratch resistance of coatings. The 

particles form a protective layer on the surface, reducing the potential for scratches and abrasions.

3. Increased hardness: The addition of dispersed silica dioxide powder can enhance the hardness of coatings, making them 

more resistant to wear and tear. This is especially beneficial for coatings that are exposed to high levels of friction or impact.

4. Improved durability: Coatings with dispersed silica dioxide powder exhibit improved durability, making them more resistant 

to environmental factors such as UV radiation, moisture, and chemicals. This helps to extend the lifespan of the coating and 

maintain its appearance over time.

5. Versatile applications: Dispersed silica dioxide powder can be used in a wide range of coating applications, including automotive,

industrial, architectural, and decorative coatings. It can be incorporated into various coating systems such as water-based, 

solvent-based, and powder coatings.

Overall, dispersed silica dioxide powder is an easy-to-use additive that can enhance the performance of coatings. It offers improved

scratch resistance, hardness, and durability, making it a valuable ingredient for various coating applications.

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Guangzhou Quanxu Technology Co Ltd
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