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Annubar Flow meter Special Equipment

3 month ago
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Product details
The measuring element of the Annubar flowmeter, Annubar, is developed based on the early Pitot tube speed measurement principle. It is a new type of differential pressure flow measuring element developed in the late 1960s. Annubar flow meters are widely used in power plants, petrochemicals, metallurgy, water treatment, fine chemicals, environmental protection and other industries.

Annubar flowmeter is a hollow metal rod inserted into a pipe along its diameter. It has pairs of pressure measuring holes in the direction of fluid flow, usually two pairs, and its shape is like a flute. The multi-point pressure measuring holes on the upstream surface measure the total pressure and are connected to the total pressure pipe to derive the average total pressure p1. There is a pressure tapping hole in the center of the backflow surface and is connected to the static pressure pipe to derive the static pressure. p2. Annubar measures the flow rate by measuring the difference between the total pressure and the static pressure of the measured fluid.

Our main products are: Electromagnetic flowmeter, Energy meter, Vortex flowmeter, Pressure transmitters, Level gauge, Magnetic flap level gauge.

Annubar flow meter features
1. Annubar flowmeter can be used to measure the flow of various media such as liquid, gas and steam flow;
2. Annubar flowmeter structure has small pressure loss, easy installation and disassembly, and low maintenance;
3. Suitable for flow measurement of large pipelines and irregular pipelines;
4. The pressure loss is small (compared with the orifice plate, it is only less than 5% of the orifice plate), which greatly reduces the power consumption and has significant energy saving effect.
5. Integrated structure, good completeness;
6. The pipe diameter has a wide adaptability range. When the pipe diameter is larger, the plug-in structure is adopted, and its advantages become more prominent;
7. Good accuracy and long-term operation stability, with accuracy up to 1% and stability up to ±0.1%;
8. Multi-parameter intelligent transmission, full dynamic temperature and pressure automatic compensation. Not affected by changes in pressure and temperature
9. On-site instructions and remote transmission compatibility facilitate system establishment and network access.
10. Open digital platform, multi-purpose serial interface. Fieldbus structure, HART communication protocol

The main technical parameters
1. Range ratio 20:1
2. Universal pipe diameter: 8mm ~ 8000mm;
3. Measurement accuracy: ±1.0%;
4. Repeat accuracy: ±0.1%;
5. Working pressure: 0~40Mpa;
6. Working temperature: -100℃~800℃;
7. Applicable media: air, gas, flue gas, natural gas, tap water, boiler feed water, corrosive solution; saturated steam, superheated steam, etc.
8. Reference standards: ISO 3966-197, JB/T5325-1991 and GB/T2624-2006
9. Connection method: plug-in flange connection, plug-in threaded connection, pipe-type flange connection, pipe-type threaded connection.

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Jiangsu Leitai Automation Instrument Co., Ltd.
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