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strip and clean disc grinding

3 year ago
21 0
Product details

silicon carbide stripping disc diamond emery grinding wheel
Color: Black, Blue, Purple
Black: Quick Abrasive wheel, removal light coating and painting;
Blue & Purple: High efficiency, higher coefficient of friction, longer life.
The most common product of the traditional abrasive, the perfect replacement of other abrasives, such as louvre blade, wire brush.
The network structure has the advantage of no plugging, to ensure a strong grinding force and a long-lasting life.
Feature: flexible, no harm to the work piece surface.
Application: mainly used in automobile repair and other surface treatment,rust removal, deburring, cleaning paint, welding and weld pre treatment before clean-up.
Tools: various models of the angle grinder.

Q1: Can you provide free samples?
A1: Yes, some samples would be free (not contain freight charge) if we have stocks, depending on specific grit size and quantity of products you required.
Q2: How long is the lead time?
A2: Except OEM products, generally 60 days for trial order.
Q3: What abrasive products you supply?
A3: Flap disc, flap disc backing pad, flap disc adhesive glue, flap wheel, abrasive machine(sanding belt making machine, sanding disc punching machine, flap wheel machine), cotton buffing wheels, sanding belt, nylon/non-woven abrasive tools, cutting wheels, grinding wheels etc.

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Zhengzhou Jiading Abrasive Manufacturing Co.,Ltd
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