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Copeland Hermetic Condensing Units For Cold Room1

2 year ago
68 0
Product details
Product Description
Copeland Hermetic Condensing Units For Clod Room
Standard Configuration of Units: Compressor, Condenser, Liquid Receiver, Pressure Controller, Pressure Gauge, Filter, Solenoid Valve and Wiring Box, etc.
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Company Introduction
Long Term Elec. Co., Ltd established in 2003 in Ningbo,which is a leading company specialized in HVAC and electrical area, and also the agent of many Chinese factories. With years' experience, now Long Term can provide various of products with competitive price. We have built a stable factory which clearly knows the importance of quality. The products we supply are well structured, various styles, great appearance and high quality. Besides the success in HVAC industry and low voltage field, Long Term opened a new market for precision machining.

Adhering to the principles of "Quality ensures Our Survival", "Advanced Management Makes Us Develop", we hope to cooperate with all partners for mutual success.Should you favor us with inquiries for your specific requirements, please feel free to contact us and we are in a position to supply you with first class goods at competitive prices. Your earliest attention will be highly appreciated! Contact Now

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