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Home Study Desk Chair

4 year ago
362 1
Product details

We have a self-built factory, an independent research and development team, health and environmental protection, store synchronization, authoritative certification, reliable quality, focusing on the field of Adjustable Study Table and chairs for several years, super cost-effective choice, simultaneous online and offline sales, authoritative certification of health and environmental protection.
The ergonomic design allows children to have a good sitting posture, grow up healthily without hunched over, Multi-functional Learning Seat Set and stay away from myopia. Stylish Office Chair Easy to read and write, free adjustment, desktop hover adjustment, Adjustable Height Study Desk matching scientific sight distance from writing, reading, painting, online classes, etc., Family Learning Seats For Children to cultivate interest in learning. Environmentally friendly solid wood, natural and healthy.

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Igrow Technology Co.,LTD
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