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Modern Kids Table Chair

4 year ago
330 0
Product details

Height Adjustable Study Desk 

The ergonomic comfortable seat minimizes the pressure on the spine caused by students sitting for a long time. The company integrates scientific research, design, production, sales and service. Study Desk Chair Set has an all-steel experimental equipment production line, a plastic spray line, and wooden school tools. Production lines, etc., to provide our customers with high-quality products. Ergonomic Home Study Desk company has a full set of bidding documents that can fully meet your needs. The company has 6 sets of complete production lines and 30 sets of professional production equipment, such as professional laser cutting machine, automatic robot welding, Study Desk And Chair Set automatic spraying assembly line, automatic CNC pipe bending machine, automatic CNC punching machine, automatic electronic board machine, Kids Adjustable Height Desk With Storage full automatic Automatic PVC edge banding machine and other equipment.

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Igrow Technology Co.,LTD
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