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Ultrahigh water column and laser fountain

2 year ago
25 0
Product details

Product  Description

      The Ultrahigh water column and laser fountain is dancing in the air happily, and countless water columns are sprayed into the sky together. Under the light of colored lights, it looks dazzling and colorful! The colors of fountains are various, including red, yellow, green, blue... countless. The fountain fluctuates rapidly and slowly with the rhythm of music, like magic, changing into different shapes, sometimes like "peacock open screen", sometimes like "flower clusters".

       Our company is an early and powerful enterprise engaged in the design, product supply, engineering construction and installation, and commissioning of various music fountain light shows, digital water curtain fountain, water curtain movies, performance fountain and other projects.

High Water Fountain Jpg
Large Laser And Water Column Fountain Jpg
Custom Laser Fountain Jpg

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Wuxi Jinshanghua Environmental Equipment Co., Ltd
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