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12.7*12.7*3 R170mm Aluminum reflector mirror H-K9L

4 year ago
144 0
Product details

10X10X2mm Metal Reflection Mirror Coating AL N-BK7

We are good at producing optical lens,including Protected Aluminum Mirror,UV Aluminum Mirror,Protected Silver Mirror,Protected Gold Mirror,Parabolic Mirror,Dielectric Coatings Mirror.

If you are interested,We will give you a most favorable price, and send samples for your reference and testing.

Product name  Custom Ag coated plano mirror
Diameter  1-500mm
Thickness  0.5-50mm
Coating  Ag
Wave band  UV, visible light, visible infrared light, visible mid - infrared light
Material  Optical Glass, N-BK7(K9), Quartz,ZF ... ...
MOQ  1pc. We trust after trial order, we could build long term cooperation relationship

Customized productProduction equipmentInspection equipmentCompany Information Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Bohr Optics Co.,Ltd
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