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Cast steel alloy steel balls

7 month ago
3 0
Product details
The high chromium wear-resistant alloy steel balls produced by our company have the following advantages:
1. With extremely high hardness, usually between 60-66 HRC, it can effectively resist wear and grinding and extend service life.
2. Excellent wear resistance, able to maintain stable performance during high-speed grinding and grinding, reducing the risk of wear and fracture.
3. It has good impact resistance and can withstand greater impact force and is not easy to break during high-speed grinding and grinding.
4. It has good corrosion resistance, can maintain stable performance in wet and corrosive environment, and is not easy to rust and corrosion.
5. Can maintain stable performance in high temperature environment, not easy to deform and soften, suitable for high temperature grinding and grinding process.
6. The wear rate of the steel ball is low, which can reduce the loss of abrasives and materials and improve the grinding and grinding efficiency.

In short, the high chromium wear-resistant alloy steel balls produced by our company have the advantages of high hardness, strong wear resistance, good impact resistance, strong corrosion resistance, high temperature stability and low wear rate, and cooperate with many large companies to supply.

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Xuzhou Surun wear-resistant material Co., LTD
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