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2 year ago
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Video details
Shangwey Cookware Co.,Ltd of Jiangmen City We are professional on non stick frying pan, cooking pans, soup stock pots, wok pan, and cooking pot and pan. Our honeycomb fry pan is one of the best quality. We use the top grade coating ETERNA, and own etching technical. You can customized of the pattern, glass lid and cookware handle. We have our own etching production line, coating production line, cleaning production line, finishing production line, welding production line and packing production line/ Our cookware factory is in Jiangmen city and Guangdong Province. Our cookware sets are high quality selling to Amazon, Germany and America. Wish you come to visit our factory and test our quality by yourselves. Contact Now

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Shangwey Cookware Co.,Ltd of Jiangmen City
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