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Nail Polish 1

3 year ago
543 3
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How to apply nail polish evenly?


Before applying nail polish, apply a softening and moisturizing skin care product on the outer end of the nail. It is recommended to apply primer to the nail in two parts. First paint the upper part of the nails, and then paint the entire nail again, and apply a layer of white nail polish as a primer.


When brushing the color, the nail polish brush should leave the soft skin area, and the nail polish brush to the side, use a small cotton swab dipped in the nail remover to wipe carefully. Start from the middle of the nail root to the tip of the nail and apply it to the head. It takes 1 hour for the nail polish to be evenly applied and completely solidified. Do not wash your hands with hot water just after applying the nail polish.

XQC offers Lipstick,Lip Glaze,Eye Shadow,Liquid Eye Liner,Foundation,Pressed Powder. Nail Polish Also Called ,Nail Lacquers,Nail Enamels,‎Nail Polish Collections,‎Gel Nail Polish etc.


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Jilin Xiangqi Technology Co., Ltd
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