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4 year ago
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Product details


Dymathik DM-5310 is a medium viscosity high grade composite printing thickener. The application performance is a bit better than regular sodium alginate, used for reactive printing of cotton, rayon and their blends.

Features and Advantages

Very high color yielding rich color, better than regular sodium alginate.
Fast paste making speed, high rate of paste formation.
Good water cohesion capacity, sharp printing defination.
Easy wash-off, good hand feel.
Excellent corrosion resistance, long paste shelf life.


For reactive printing of cotton and rayon fabric.

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Dymatic Chemicals, Inc.
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Dymatic Chemicals, Inc.
  Audited supplier
7 year

Main Product: textile auxiliaries, pretreatment dyeing printing finishing agents, textile functional finishing agents, printing thickeners, antibacterial and antiviral agents, Specialty and functional finishing agents