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galvanized coil

2 year ago
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Product details


Our advantages:

1.We are the specialized supplier of steel materials, can provide the reasonable price!
2.We have more than 20 years experience in exporting products to worldwide countries, can provide the high quality products!
3.We have five thousand tons of stock in warehouses with abundant capital. Furthermore, we offer charge sales, credit and 7-day 24-hour services.
4.Wide excellent experiences with after-sale service.
5.Every process will be checked by responsible QC which insures every product's quality.
6.Professional packing teams which keep every packing safely.
7.Trial order can be done in one week.
8.Samples can be provided as your requirements.

Other products:
Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe,Galvanized Coil, Aluminium Alloy Pipe, ect. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Shandong Xinsuju Steel Co.,Ltd.
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