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Customized chili powder 1

6 month ago
1 0
Product details
As a common condiment, pepper is in great demand in the market.Customized Chili Powder, You need to customize or OEM Dried chilli Paprika can contact us, you SAN Hong Food Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of cayenne powder. A variety of services are available and can be produced according to your needs and requirements.
  • Focus on seasoning research and development, customize the exclusive taste
  • Classic red paprika, wood paprika, barbecue paprika
  • Catering wholesale, OEM customization, on-demand research and development
  • Various packaging is used according to the needs of buyers
  • Good reputation and reputation, so that product quality and delivery time are guaranteed.
  • Production capacity and experience to ensure that orders can be produced and delivered on time.
  • Excellent prices and after-sales service ensure cost efficiency and stability of long-term relationships. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Guizhou Guisanhong Food Co., Ltd
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