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Chili sauce Beef paste 1

7 month ago
1 0
Product details
Fresh Beef Paste Chili Combo
Delicious beef sauce with rice ,It is a condiment that can be used with rice, noodles, dumplings and other foods.Delicious Sloppy Joes With Rice Sauce It is mainly made of beef, vegetables, spices and other raw materials, taste delicious, rich taste, very attractive aroma and taste. In addition, the product also has a unique brand characteristics, so that people will be impressed once they eat.Unique Beef Paste Chili sauceSelected Beef Chili Sauce.
Feel the sloppy joes
1. Remove proper amount of sloppy Joe.
2, evenly spread it on the rice or noodles, you can add vegetables and other vegetables according to personal taste.

3, stir well and serve, enjoy delicious. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Guizhou Guisanhong Food Co., Ltd
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