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Oat Beta-Glucan powder

2 year ago
6 0
Product details

Product Description

Oat beta glucan is water soluble dietary fiber, extracted from oat groats. It is a short-link β-glucan, consisting of a group of β-D-glucose polysaccharides joined by β-(1→3) and β-(1→4) carbon linkages.

Oat beta glucan is a kind of short chain dextran with small relative molecular weight. Its relative molecular weight varies from 5300 to 257200.It penetrates into the skin and enters the epidermis through the path of the keratinocytes.It can maintain skin moisture, can promote macrophages release interleukin-collagen synthesis has accelerated effect, resist aging, reduce skin wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, improve skin texture, good transdermal absorption performance, promote wound healing, repair damaged skin.

Product name
Oat beta glucan
Latin name
Avena sativa L.
Light Yellow Powder


1. Moisturizer; 

2. Prevent skin inflammation (or sensitivity); 

3. Soothe skin irritation (e.g., sunburn); 

4. Promote skin wound repair; 

5. Prevent skin aging;

It can be used to do moisturizing, anti-aging cosmetics, such as: moisturizer, sunblock, cream, facialmask, etc.

AMULYN, plant extract refers to the material extracted or processed from plants (all or part of plants) with appropriate solvents or methods, which can be used in pharmaceutical, food, daily chemicals and other industries.   At present, plant extracts are widely used.   In addition to traditional Chinese medicine products, with the gradual increase of people's trust and dependence on natural products, a large number of plant extracts have been used in all walks of life, such as Health Ingredients, used for capsules or tablets;  Food additives, used in natural sweeteners, natural pigment, emulsifiers, solid drinks, probiotics powder for lactic acid bacteria, etc. Cosmetic raw materials, used in facial mask, cream, shampoo and other daily chemical products;   Plant-based Ingredients, used in dietary supplements, improve human immunity, etc. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Xi'an Gawen Biotechnology Co., Ltd
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