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2 year ago
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Customized blue polishing wheel

When using polishing cloth, it is important to choose the appropriate fabric material. Common polishing cloth materials include cotton cloth, velvet cloth, paper cloth, and silk cloth. And this blue polishing cotton cloth wheel is durable and most suitable for metal polishing, bathroom polishing boss, and alufer wheel polishing.By cooperating with Gude Polishing Equipment Co., Ltd.'s polishing wax, your product can shine and be refreshed.

After chemical treatment:

1.Enhance cutting force 2. Enhance the adsorption force of polishing paste and slurry, while saving polishing paste and slurry

3. Increase the lifespan of polishing wheels and shorten polishing operation time

Material: Cotton cloth Layer: 12-20 Outer diameter: 8-24 "Inner diameter: 3", 5 ", 7 °, 9"

The brightest polishing wax

We not only produce blue polishing wheels, but also produce airway polishing wheels, wire drawing wheels, polishing wax and polishing paste, etc,if you are interested in us,please follow us oy inquiry us. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Jiangmen Gude Polishing Equipment Co., Ltd
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