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Anime Jet Tag

2 year ago
3 0
Product details

What are jet tags for?

Anime Jet Tag is a kind of key chain, the main material is Twill Fabric with a metal Key Ring Circle or stainless steel Custom Keyring. The size of our Jet Tag Anime is 8.1CM*5.1CM, and the weight is very light. It can be held by hand or hung on a bag, and it is very convenient to carry. This Anime Jet Tag Keychain can be used as a key chain accessory, matched with the key to prevent the key from being lost; it can be used as an accessory, hung on clothes or bags, and plays a very good decorative role; it can be used as a gift and printed for comparison The special pattern is a very unique gift; it can also print the company's LOGO to promote the company's culture. In short, this Anime Jet Tags is a very functional product, it is worth purchasing!

Anime Jet Tag Keychain

The regular color of the Key Ring of this Jet Tag Keychain is silver, and the silver Custom Keyring matches with the silver Eyelet, which looks very harmonious, and other colors can also be selected according to the needs of the printing pattern.

Anime Jet Tag

Both Jet Tags Keychains are 8.1*5.1CN in size, light in weight and easy to carry.

Keychain Jet Tag

These two Anime Jet Tag Keychains have an Eyelet in the middle and an Eyelet next to it. The position of the Eyelet can be determined as needed. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Shenzhen Yiyixing Zipper Manufacture Co.,Ltd
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