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Dumbwaiter Elevator

2 year ago
3 0
Product details

Restaurant Foods Elevator

     Do you have to carry laundry, groceries, food, files, garbage, firewood, or other heavy loads from one floor of your home to another? A dumbwaiter elevator(sundries elevator) is a helping hand you can always count on!
    Zhongcan Dumbwaiter Lift is mainly suitable for transferring dishes or items between floors, and is widely used in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, canteens, libraries, commercial buildings and other departments.The user design does not require pre-embedded brackets, no special machine room, and easy installation.Once launched, it has been well received. This equipment has the characteristics of small footprint, low noise, and easy maintenance, which improves the transportation efficiency and saves a lot of labor costs.
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zhongcan machinery Co.,Ltd
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