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Knitting machine Circular knitting machine

4 year ago
48 0
Product details

New Picanol Rapier Loom

The Belgian Picanol rapier loom is one of the most influential looms in the world today. The Picanol rapier loom not only guarantees the high quality of the fabric, but also weaves high-end fabrics with minimal energy consumption.

GA733 rapier loom

High-speed rapier looms focus on the mid-end rapier loom market.

Fast Rapier Loom


When weaving a strong twist weft fabric, it can inhibit the formation of weft untwisting and weft shrinkage defects; most rapier looms have strong versatility and can adapt to a variety of different raw materials, different thicknesses and different widths. section. The shape of the weft does not need to change the sword head.

textile machinery second hand

Offline and offline dual protection
Offline is online, professional operation team, strong support of online customer service, you can solve your problems at any time.

Full professional service
We adhere to the system of "one-to-one full-process tracking service for customer service", from the moment you place an order to the moment you receive the goods, our professional customer service will provide you with one-to-one service. A whole process tracking service. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Tianchi Changzhou Textile Machinery Co., Ltd
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