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Workshop of plate heat exchanger

8 month ago
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Product details

Plate and Shell Heat Exchanger for Chemical Heating or Cooling

Plate and shell heat exchanger is a heat exchanger with plate tube as a heat transfer element, also known as sheet heat exchanger. It is mainly composed of two parts: plate tube bundle and shell.

The fluid medium of the plate and shell heat exchanger flows in a pure countercurrent mode inside the plate-shell heat exchanger, which can produce a high degree of turbulence and has a terminal temperature difference that other types of heat exchangers cannot achieve. The plate bundle has no runner hole, all used for heat exchange, the overall heat exchange efficiency is high; The inlet and outlet nozzle diameter is flexible, which makes the plate-shell heat exchanger have strong adaptability. The cover plate can be opened for mechanical cleaning of the runner. The plate and shell heat exchanger fluid produces higher shear stress in the flow channel than other types of welded heat exchanger and is not easy to scale. In addition, its unique flow channel design can also be used as an efficient condenser.

The application range of plate and shell heat exchanger includes but is not limited to petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, beverage, beer, metallurgy, electric power, environmental protection, oil cooler and other industrial fields.

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Jiangsu Baode Heat-Exchanger Equipment Co.,LTD
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