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Snow shovel installation video

6 month ago
11 0
Product details


Thevehicle-mountedsnow shovel is a professionasnow removalequipmentdesignedby Maoheng Environment for heavysnow weather andsnow-coveredroads. A vehicle-mounted  snow shovel is adevice fixed on the front end of the car and used to clear snow from the road. It is installed in front of the car body. Utilize the strong forward thrust of thecarto push the snow to both sides quickly and over a large area to facilitate subsequent cleaning.



Scope of application

Vehicle-mounted equipment,maneuverable and flexible,suitable for snow removal at airports,highways,municipal roads,trunk roads(national roads,provincial roads),scenic spots,factories and squares. Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Henan Lukewei Road Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd
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