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Automatic Button Feeding Machine

6 month ago
3 0
Product details

Strong applicability, suitable for direct drive / computer sewing machine as 373, 348, 1373, 1903.

Easy to install, just need to connect 2 cables to start working, with up and down adjustment function.

Greater functionality: fout-hole, two-hole and three-hole non-standard buttons, swing range 8~28mm, special customized machine sewing range up to 5~35mm.

The button clamp is directly controlled by the impotred cylinder, the reaction is sensitive, and the size is adjustable, suitable for different types of buttons.

The vibrating plate is stamped and formed by special materials. It has strong vibration transmission capability, accurate identification of the front and back of the button, and has a start-stop function, Adopt induction protection device, the light is on when the buckle is closed, and the light is off when the buckle is opened sewing protection function, longer service life and more power saving.

Cylinder drive type, sensitive, easy to adjust, 15% more efficient than traditional models.

Each machine comes standard with 14 kinds of button positioning claw mounting plates, which can be replaced according to different buttons, and only need two screws for easy replacement.

Using a 7-inch capacitive display, can display Chinese, English, Vietnamese three languages. Faster response and smooth operation.

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Zhejiang Lejiang Machine Co., Ltd.
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