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Water source heat pump

5 month ago
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Product details

GENT 25P water source heat pump    

Product model: GNTLN-96-S  25P

Unit advantages:

1. High efficiency and energy saving:

①The water to water heat pump can efficiently cool and heat. When the heat pump is heating in winter, the temperature of the water used by the wshp is higher than the ambient temperature, so the heat pump water water has high cycle efficiency and can save energy. When the heat pump is used for cooling in summer, the temperature of the water used by the unit is lower than the ambient temperature, so the heat pump water source has a good cooling effect and high operating efficiency.

②The use of water to water heat pump water heater can effectively reduce energy consumption. The use of water source heat pump can effectively reduce the supply pressure of summer electricity and winter natural gas in buildings, reduce the number of air conditioning refrigeration rooms and boiler rooms, and improve energy efficiency.

2. Wide range of applications:

The application of water source heat pump technology can build a perfect heating and air conditioning system for the buildings, and meet the heating and cooling needs of residential users, and can also supply hot water for users. Therefore, the unit can meet the diversified needs of users and has a wide range of application scenarios.

Parameter list of GENT 25P water source heat pump

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