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Lifting Platform

2 month ago
4 0
Product details

The hydraulic power unit is composed of a high-pressure gear pump,an AC motor,an integrated oil block, a hydraulic valve, a fuel tank and the like, and is a combi-nation of a typical power rise and a gravity drop hydraulic circuit.Start the motor,realize the rise, open the solenoid valve,realize the lowering,and the descending speed is automatically controlled by the built-in pressure compensation valve. This series of products is anideal power source for small lifting platforms.


Our company is a professional production of hydraulic parts manufacturers, The main products are Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Group, Hydraulic Solenoid Valve, Hydraulic Valve Block, etc. If you need hydraulic accessories, please send an email to our company.

Lifting Platform

Lifting Platform

1.This power unit is a 15-minute working system and cannot be operated continuously.
2.Before installation, the hydraulic components such as cylinders, tubing, and joints must be cleaned without any impurities.
3.The viscosity of the hydraulic oil is 15-68 CST. lt should be clean and free of debris. it is recommended to use N46 hydraulic oil.
4.After the first 100 hours of system use, the hvdraulic oil should be replaced and the hydraulic oil should be replaced every 3000 hours.
5.This hydraulic power unit is suitable for horizontal installation.

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Huai'an Sur Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd
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