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Reconditioned Skiving Machine CH2

3 year ago
116 0
Product details

Reconditioned Skiving Machine CH2 

Product Description

Technical characteristics:

1. Equipped with an adjustable spray-type round knife cooling system to ensure that the round knife does not overheat during the chipping process, plus a proprietary steel feed wheel, which is suitable for chipping a variety of hot melt adhesive materials;

2. The more advanced electronic stepless speed regulation feeding system enables the feeding speed to be set arbitrarily, and the operator can process various shapes of workpieces without experience;

3. Equipped with waste material collection box and coolant collection box to make the production process clean and environmentally friendly;

Model No.: CH2
Brand name: A DONG
Voltage: 220V 
Power: 0.8KW 
Measurement: 1070 × 530 × 1230 (mm) 
N.W: 90 kg 

Product Images

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